From the archives: This piece originally appeared on several years ago, but is being reposted here in order to show the historical progression of technological development, and how the Music Industry often acts as a Canary In The Coal Mine for other industries.
We’ve started up the Kurzweil Curve with respect to streaming, and it’s only going to accelerate from here.
The interesting thing is that, because the transition has been relatively gradual, you probably haven’t noticed that this radical behavioral and technological change has occurred. You haven’t noticed because it hasn’t hurt; in fact it’s felt good.
There are opportunities here. For content creators, the sooner you reconcile the fact most people aren’t likely going to want to own a digital copy of your music/movie/tv show/book (let alone a CD, etc.), the sooner you can devise profitable streaming models.
By the way, the rise in vinyl consumption has an inverse relationship to the ownership of other types of musical content. That is, even as we own less digital copies and CDs, we will own more vinyl. This is NOT because of the better sound quality of vinyl, it’s because vinyl is a great example of a “social object” (ala what I referenced in a recent post on marketing and fruit). We want to share, hold, display, and talk about vinyl.