
GHS helped to develop CVS/pharmacy’s digital strategy, and launched numerous campaigns for their various brands and social platforms in order to create massive new marketing and revenue generative channels for this Fortune500 brand.



CVS/pharmacy’s digital presence was underdeveloped, and – in many areas – non-existent. However, with a brand of this size a strategic and deliberate process was necessary in order to ensure a smooth launch that not only generated performance, but also did not overwhelm the brand with respect to customer support and other technological issues.

The GHS Models At Work

Mirror of Desire

Working with C-Level executives at CVS/pharmacy, GHS utilized its proprietary “Mirror of Desire” model to ensure that CVS’s purpose was not only clearly defined, but well-articulated via its digital strategy.

Customer As Teacher

This approach not only ensured that CVS’ digital presence would be unique and distinctive from its customers, but also that those who most resonated with this articulated purpose would be enabled to share and act as “Customer/Teacher” to late adopters.

Architecture of Participation

Finally, GHS devised numerous tactics that scaled these customer/teachers, in order to create an Architecture of Participation.


CVS/pharmacy quickly moved from a brand in which social/digital was an afterthought, and a non-revenue or brand-equity building component of their business to one of the pre-eminent utilizers of the then-nascent social tools.

The tactics and platforms that GHS worked with CVS to create are still utilized and continue to increase NPS and revenue.

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